Critical dialogues & exhibitions under the direction of Nicole Seisler
Reclaiming history & contributions of African Americans in the mountain south
Rigorous, comprehensive resource on contemporary art in the south
Living Myth Podcast
Deep sessions on current events & the unconscious
Intimate conversations with contemporary black artists
Art in California
by Jenni Sorkin
Funny Weather:
Art in an Emergency
by Olivia Laing
How to be Both
by Ali Smith
Touching Feeling: Affect, Pegdagogy, Performativity
by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire
by Jack Halberstam
The Women of Atelier 17: Modernist Printmaking in Midcentury New York
by Christina Weyl
Mic drop at MASS MOCA. Ceramics in the Expanded Field opens October 15, 2022.
We've been in hell. Who wouldn't want to visit Paradise? MyungJin Kim offers it up.
Shameless Weekend at Fields Project in NYC revels in the body & erotics. We're there.
Roger Herman at Sorry We Are Closed is sensual exuberance. Like coming out of quarantine into carnival.
Shinichi Sawada's first solo exhibition in the United States, at Venus Over Manhattan, is an extraordinary encounter.
The Archive Year 1
Celebrating The First Township10
Kyle Lawson (2020)
Jeffry Mitchell (2020)
Sarah Conti (2020)
Rubens Ghenov (2020)
Melanie Tafejian (2020)
Jody Isaacson (2020)
Carson Culp (2021)
Donté Hayes (2021)
Iván Carmona (2021)
Books to shake
you up
We asked (on Instagram):
What books have been central to your development as an artist?
What shook you up or opened new avenues for thinking?
If you disappeared for a year to make work, what books would you bring?
Harold and the Purple Crayon
by Crocket Johnson
For the Time Being
by Annie Dillard
About This Life
by Barry Lopez
The Unknown Craftsman
by Soetsu Yanagi
by M.C. Richards
The Thinking Hand
by Juhani Pallasmaa
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
by Joseph Campbell
Art and Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking
by David Bayles and
Ted Orland
The Medium is the Message
by Marshall McLuhan
Walking on Water
by Madeleine L'Engle
Pottery, People and Time
by Alan Caigar-Smith
The Violin Maker
by John Marchese
The Secret Knowledge of Water
by Craig Childs
Leaves of Grass
by Walt Whitman
Making Room for Making Art
by Sally Warner
by Claire Illian
Making : Anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture
by Tim Ingold
The Zen of Creativity: Cultivating Your Artistic Life
by John Daido Loori
A Dreary Story
by Anton Chekhov